
Step by step user guide for STUX GNU/Linux (index)

Install STUX

  1. Install STUX on hard disk

    To install STUX on hard disk:
    STUX CONTROL CENTER -> SETUP -> Live CD -> Install STUX -> Install on Hard Disk
    you will see a window like this:

    Select the partition where you wish to install STUX.


    • Format device

        If checked, the selected device will be formatted.

    • Remove existing files

        This option is enabled only if the 'Format device' checkbox is unckecked.
        If you choose to not format the target Hard Disk, with this checkbox you can choose to remove the existing directories (/bin /boot /dev /etc /home /lib /opt /sbin /usr /var /root /tmp) before copy the current one. This option could be used to restore a damaged installation without loose files created in system directories.

    • Set selected Hard Disk bootable

        If checked, set the bootable flag on the selected Hard Disk.

    • Write Master Boot Record (MBR)

        If checked, GRUB boot loader will be installed in the primary partition of the boot device.
        WARNING: existing Master Boot Record will be overwritten ! You are strongly suggested to use the button 'Save MBR to file' to make a backup of your current Master Boot Record (MBR).
        Other operative systems, like Windows™, should be recognized and automatically added to GRUB boot menu. The GRUB boot menu is customizable editing file /boot/grub/menu.lst located in the primary partition of the boot device.

    • Copy system files

        If checked, files are installed. Do not check in order to only restore boot record and loader.

    • Create removable boot device after install

        If checked, the program that creates boot floppies/CDROM/USB is called after installation.

    If you need to restore a damaged boot loader, for example, select the boot device and check 'Set selected hard disk bootable', 'Write master boot record', 'Install GRUB loader on Hard Disk' and uncheck other checkboxes; invert checkboxes if you need to install STUX on selected device but you want to keep boot configuration intact.

    D.M.A.: You have to manually activate D.M.A. on hard disks the first time you access STUX after installation.

    Note: The resulting installation will be a clone of the packages and configurations currently present in the Live CD session. You can even choose to not install some packages by simply uninstalling the new packages (use 'qtswaret' or 'removepkg' to remove packages) from the Live CD session before hard disk installation. You could also add new packages to the resulting installation by installing new packages (use 'swaret', 'qtswaret' or 'installpkg' to add new packages) before hard disk installation. This approach has the advantage that you can fully configure and test the system before installing it on hard disk; for example, if you have configured the network in the Live CD session (before hard disk installation), that network configuration will be kept also in the resulting installation.
    When running from Live CD, and configuration is not saved persistently, the Knoppix hardware autodetection makes the hard work of autodetect and configure devices: when you install STUX on hard disk, the current configuration files are installed on the target device (created by Knoppix autodetection) but when you boot from hard disk (or when you boot from Live CD with a persistent configuration) the Knoppix autodetection is skipped (because devices have been already configured by Knoppix autodetection or manually).


  2. Install STUX on a USB key

    1. Enter the proper application:
      STUX CONTROL CENTER -> Setup -> Live CD -> Install STUX -> Install on USB key
      you will see a window like this:

    2. Select the target USB device where you want to install STUX.
      WARNING: all data in selected USB key will be lost!

    3. Advanced users could be interested in copy a compressed STUX image different than the default one, that is /cdrom/STUX/STUX: if you are a normal user, leave /cdrom/STUX/STUX as 'Compressed linux iso file'.

    4. Press the button 'Ok' to start installation:


  3. Install STUX compressed image

      This installation mode does not require to re-partition or re-format hard disk.

      A FAT, EXT2 or REISER filesystem is required.

      This installation type will work with internal/external hard disks and USB keys.

      With this installation mode, CD/DVD drive will be available for other purposes, like CD mastering, DVD watching, etc....
      I/O performances are better than when running from CD ROM.
      Running this installation mode, is the same thing than running from Live CD: the only difference is that compressed image file is located on hard disk instead on CD ROM.
      System can be booted from floppy disks, CD ROM or USB key.

    1. Enter the proper application:
      STUX CONTROL CENTER -> Setup -> Live CD -> Install STUX -> Install compressed image
      You will see a window like this:

    2. Select the device where you want to install STUX compressed image.
      Selected partition must be large enough to contain STUX compressed image file (located in /STUX/STUX).
      File /STUX/STUX will be copied on selected partition.

    3. Create a bootable device to boot the installed compressed image:
      if you need to create a CD/DVD you will note that CD/DVD drive is locked because is currently in use by STUX Live CD; leaving the STUX Live CD in drive, reboot computer using the boot option fromhd: this will boot the installed compressed image keeping the CD/DVD drive free for remaster a bootable CD to be used to boot the installed compressed image without use the boot options.

      Note: you can get the same installation result using the boot option tohd.

