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Welcome to STUX GNU/Linux LIVE CD home page

    Version 0.7










    Window Managers: KDE 3.1, Gnome 2.4, fvwm2, fvwm95, WindowMaker, Twm
    Browsers: Mozilla 1.6, Konqueror, Galeon, Nautilus, Lynx, KGet, wget, ...
    Mail clients: Mozilla Mail, KMail, mail, ...
    News readers: Mozilla News, Knode, Pan, ...
    Office, Word Processing, Editors: Open Office 1.1.0, KOffice, AbiWord, Kedit, KWrite, Kate, Xpdf, ...
    Services: Apache 1.3.28, ProFTPd 1.2.8p, Ample, Samba, Secure Shell, MySqld
    Multimedia: VideoLan Client 0.5.2, XawTV, gqRadio, Xine,...
    Graphics: the Gimp, KPaint, XPaint,...
    Developing: gcc 3.2.3, g++, J2sdk 1.4.2, perl 5.8.0, python 2.3.1, php 4.3.3, ...
    IRC Client: Kopete, KSirc, Chatzilla!
    AIM Client: Kopete, Kit
    ICQ Client: Kopete
    Peer 2 Peer/File sharing: BitTorrent, xMule
    Data Base: mysql 4.0.15a
    Web Applications: phpMyAdmin 2.5.5
    KDE Languages: AF, AR, BG, BS, CA, CS, DA, DE, EL, EN, EN_GB, EO, ES, ET, EU, FA, FI, FR, HE, HR, HU, IS, IT, JA, LT, MK, MT, NB, NL, NN, NSO, PL, PT, PT_BR, RO, RU, SE, SK, SL, SR, SS, SV, TA, TH, TR, UK, VEN, VI, XH, ZH_CN, ZH_TW, ZU

    ISO file size: < 650 MB

    DINO-STUX MAIN CONTENTS: (STUX reduced customization)

    Window Managers: KDE 3.1, Twm
    Browsers: Mozilla 1.6, Konqueror, Lynx, KGet, wget, ...
    Mail clients: Mozilla, KMail, mail, ...
    News readers: Mozilla, Knode, ...
    Office, Word Processing, Editors: Kedit, KWrite, Kate, Xpdf, ...
    Services: ProFTPd 1.2.8p, Ample, Samba, Secure Shell
    Multimedia: VideoLan Client 0.5.2, XawTV, gqRadio, Xine,...
    Graphics: KPaint, ...
    IRC Client: Kopete, KSirc, Chatzilla!
    AIM Client: Kopete, Kit
    Peer 2 Peer/File sharing: xMule
    KDE Languages: EN

    ISO file size: < 255 MB

    LISO 0.7:

    LISO 0.7 is the program used to build STUX 0.7.
    More informations about LISO are in the included README file.

    File size: < 25 MB


    The following packages are ready to be downloaded, installed and executed from STUX Live CD environment:

    Drivers: NVidia video drivers
    Games: bzFlag, Cube, Doom, QuakeForge , Quake III, Unreal Tournament 2003, Return to castle Wolfenstein
    x86 Emulators: Bochs 2.1
    Peer 2 Peer/File sharing: LimeWire Client 3.6.15

    Read more about STUX PACKAGES

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    E-Mail address:   Newsletters archive

(c) Giacomo Picconi 2004-2005         giacomo.picconi @ gpstudio . com
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds


STUX Linux has been published on Linux Magazine
N.42 June 2004

Buy Linux Magazine N.42 here